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Updated 06 Mar 24
Listed 17 Aug 16

Probe Market Research (Pvt) Limited

Profit in Knowledge

19 McLaren Road
Milton Park

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Probe Market Research (Pvt) Limited Open Today: Wednesday 08:00 to 16:30

Probe Market Research (Pvt) Limited Business Hours:

Wednesday 08:00 - 16:30
Thursday 08:00 - 16:30
Friday 08:00 - 16:30
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 08:00 - 16:30
Tuesday 08:00 - 16:30

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Company Profile:

Establishment date: 14 January 1981

Zimbabwe Registration Number: 43/81
Zambia Registration Number: 54021


  • Market Sectors: Public Services/Utilities
  • Agriculture
  • Drinks (Alcoholic & Non-Alcohol) Education/Training
  • NGOs
  • Finance/Investment
  • Healthcare
  • Information Technology
  • Internet and Media (broadcast) Manufacturing (heavy & light industry)
  • Food and Retail/Wholesale Areas of expertise: Social/Opinion/Monitoring and Evaluation Research
  • Retail Audit
  • Omnibus Surveys
  • Media Research
  • Product and Ad Testing
  • Usage and attitude towards products
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Mystery Shopping
  • Market Segmentation
  • Brand Image Studies
  • New Product Development
  • General Consumer Surveys
  • Concept Testing
  • Tracking Studies


  • Research Services: Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Focus Group Discussions
  • Depth Interviews
  • Desk Research
  • Census and Listing
  • CAPI Face to Face fieldwork (Business and House to House)
  • Mystery Shopping
  • Online Surveys and CATI Telephonic Surveys

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Probe Market Research (Pvt) Limited

  • Company listing viewed 11,279 times in detail
  • Listing last updated: 06 March 2024, 12:16 PM
  • Listing created: 17 August 2016, 13:16 PM
  • Zimbabwe Company Registration Number: 43/81
  • Company VAT Number: 10003942
  • Company BP Number: 200003021

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