Henry Ford once said, “A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.” Advertising is an integral part of a profitable business. It is not enough to have a good product or service. Consider successful companies, their marketing strategies match their products and services. The perception generated, for consumers, accumulates good will before a purchase is made.
Subconsciously, the brain goes through processes with everything. In the sales process, it starts with creating awareness, followed by interest, desire and finally a purchase. This is why it is so important to constantly advertise products and services to target markets and thus keep them at the forefront of consumers minds.
The most profitable companies in the world use this process every day. Unfortunately, for you, so do your customers. Therefore you can’t just show up at the purchase point and expect to influence their purchasing decisions. You cannot skip the first three steps of the sales process being creating awareness, interest, desire and expect to be successful. Many will try but most fail because they did not take the entire journey with the customer. As that is what builds lasting impressions or loyalty. The most profitable companies find value in extending their consumer base, every day through advertising and marketing.
Advertise in Zimbabwe’s Business Directory. Work to keep your name in front of your market and ahead of your competitors by advertising with us and reach thousands of Zimbabwe’s business minded consumers everyday.
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