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Owl's word for the day

just one word... once a day from the Owl (mood, internet and zesa dependent)


"Only the foolish believe that words and actions can go unchecked without fear of consequence or repercussion."

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Repercussion (n.)  :  an effect or result, often indirect or remote, of some event or action;  an unintended consequence of an event or action.

Synonyms  :  consequence, result, effect, outcome, backlash, ripple, aftermath, fallout, reaction.

Scrabble Value:

R = 1 point
E = 1 point
P = 3 points
E = 1 point
R = 1 point
C = 3 points
U = 1 point
S = 1 point
S = 1 point
I = 1 point
O = 1 point
N = 1 point

Repercussion is worth at least 16 points in the game of scrabble.

"Repercussion" read 5370 times

17 December 2017 05:08

In the past the Owl has hooted about...

Raconteur Radical Rain Rainbow Rainbow Raise Random Rant Rapture Rarely Rather Reach React Reaction Ready Readymade Real Realign Realisation Realise Realist Reality Reason Reasonable Rebellion Recedes Receive Recipe Reckless Recognise Recollection Reconciliation Recover Redeem Redefine Redundant Reference Reflect Reflection Reforming Refrain Refreshment Refuge Refunded Refuse Regard Regret Regretfully Regulations Reinforce Reins Reject Rejoice Rejoicing Relative Relax Release Relieved Relished Reluctance Remains Remedy Remember Remember Reminded Reminiscence Remnants Remorse Remote Removed Repair Repartee Repeat Repeatedly Repercussion Repetition Rephrasing Report Repose Repulsive Reputation Requirement Requisite Research Resentment Residence Resilient Resist Resistance Resolute Resolutely Resolution Resolve Resourceful Respect Respond Response Responsibility Responsible Responsive Rest Result Resurrection Retirement Retrospect Returned Revealed Revealing Revelation Revenge Revere Reverse Revisions Reward Rewarding Rhythm Rich Ricochet Ridiculous Right Rights Rigmarole Ripens Ripple Rise Risk Rock Rogue Role Room Roughest Rouse Route Routine Rubbish Rudder Ruffled Rule Rules Rumour Run Rush

Owl's recent hoots...

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