The Copier Parts Company

HP - Laptops, Desktop Computers, Printers/MFP Devices and Cartridges.

The Copier Parts Company


Endorsed by 61.1% of 18 voters

The Copier Parts Company

HP - Laptops, Desktop Computers, Printers/MFP Devices and Cartridges.

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VAT Number: 10003124

The Copier Parts Company (Pvt) Ltd was founded in June 1997. We consider ourselves as market leaders in our field, and continuously strive to maintain that position.

Our staff compliment are a well-focused and motivated team, determined to provide our customers with an efficient and professional all round experience.

We currently have our Head Office situated in Harare, with a smaller branch for your convenience based in Bulawayo. We value the relationships we have built up over the years with our suppliers and customers, and continue to align ourselves with reputable organisations to provide recognized and trusted brands. We believe this is essential to the success of an organisation.

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The Copier Parts Company

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Listed: Nov 2014
Mar 2022


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