Tiger Safaris Trading As

Tiger Safaris

Thatched self catering chalets and fully catered rooms on the Zambezi ...

Tiger Safaris


Endorsed by 68.8% of 16 voters

Tiger Safaris

Thatched self catering chalets and fully catered rooms on the Zambezi River's edge. Restaurant and Bar.Guided fishing.

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VAT Number: 10017604

Tiger Safaris is one of the most established camps on the Zimbabwean side of the Zambezi River. Situated just downstream from the Chirundu border post, our camp is equipped with everything you need - you won't have to worry about a thing.

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Tiger Safaris

Joined us over 11 years and 6 months ago

Total Views: 35,679
Listed: Jul 2013
Aug 2023


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Tiger Safaris

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