Road Angels

Roadside Assistance 24/7, When Car Trouble Strikes, Call Us


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Road Angels

Roadside Assistance 24/7, When Car Trouble Strikes, Call Us

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Road Angels Pvt ltd is a 24 hour Roadside Emergency company offering Roadside emergency response to motorists in Zimbabwe and across borders. Road Angels has branches across Zimbabwe's major centres and continues to expand to other centres so that our response time becomes as short as possible countrywide.

Any one can access the Road Angels services via any of the following:

  1. By joining our membership programme to enable you to enjoy free Roadside assistance anytime anywhere anyday.
  2. By opening an account with us for Corporates, small companies, government departments, NGO'S and Fleet operators so that you can enjoy Roadside Assistance and have the flexibility of paying later.
  3. By calling us on 0772 122 122 as and when one needs Roadside assistance and paying cash for the service.

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Road Angels

Joined us over 13 years ago

Total Views: 168,109
Listed: Jan 2012
Sep 2020


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