Axa Holdings Trading As

Axa Holdings Pvt Ltd.

Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Portable Toilet Hire, Educatio...


Endorsed by 41.7% of 24 voters

Axa Holdings Pvt Ltd.

Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Portable Toilet Hire, Education and Signage, Student Accomodation

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VAT Number: 10016272
BP Number: 200029334

Founded in the year 2000, AXA Holdings (Pvt) Ltd has a number of Strategic Business Units (SBU) under it, namely:

  1. AXA Media, this is responsible for outdoor advertising, e.g. Billboards, Signage, Street Pole Adverts and Road Signs
  2. Memorable Events Solutions (MES) is responsible for hiring out portable toilets and water tanks for that special event that you want to hold
  3. Students Accommodation. Here we provide affordable off-campus accommodation to university students, providing the best of services, i.e. Furniture, Fast Internet Wifi, Borehole water etc.
  4. Emediaxa focuses on Email Marketing. With a growing database of email recipients, Emediaxa is that platform that gives your business a competitive edge in raising awareness on what you are all about and keep people informed on your latest products
  5. TransitHomes is all about providing fast and affordable prefabricated housing. You have a special building in your mind that you want to be erected in a blistering pace, give us a call.

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Axa Holdings Pvt Ltd.

Joined us over 12 years and 11 months ago

Total Views: 35,388
Listed: Jan 2012
Jul 2019


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