CP Plastics

ZVIGHUBHU ZVAKANAKISA!!! Welcome to CP Plastics, one of the leading pl...

CP Plastics


Endorsed by 81.3% of 64 voters

CP Plastics

ZVIGHUBHU ZVAKANAKISA!!! Welcome to CP Plastics, one of the leading plastic bottle manufacturers and plastic bottle solution companies in Zimbabwe.

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VAT Number: 10012700
TIN Number:
Reg Number: 9580/2003
BP Number: 200006990

Since our establishment in 1996, we have gained the reputation as one of the leaders in our industry. Working with a variety of long-standing customers, we have developed excellent relationships due to our honesty, loyalty, affordability, efficiency and all round customer service. Our range of customers include well known companies within the chemical, paint, mineral water, juice, cold-drink and hardware markets. For all your plastic container and closure requirements, we are the go-to company for you!

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CP Plastics

Joined us over 12 years and 5 months ago

Total Views: 65,331
Listed: Aug 2012
Oct 2023


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CP Plastics

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