Manna Safari Lodges

A hotel resort located in Glen Lorne Harare offering, various services...

Manna Safari Lodges


Endorsed by 88.9% of 9 voters

Manna Safari Lodges

A hotel resort located in Glen Lorne Harare offering, various services including: Accommodation, Wedding Venue, Conference & Team Building Facilities, Restaurant, Picnics and Braai, Game Viewing

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VAT Number: 10102553
BP Number: 300068131

A stunning, upscale hotel resort located in Glen Lorne, Harare, Manna Resorts offers a tranquil and serene relaxed atmosphere blended with a natural set up to guests and visitors who value living the safari experience. Our desire is to create a memorable experience and superior standards. The resort offers a blend of space, truly African contemporary facilities as depicted by its stone works on its accommodation and conference centers.

Within the resort a myriad of activities are offered besides the accommodation and conferencing facilities. For the nature loving guests and visitors we have game viewing which allows one to relax and unwind, stunning picturesque picnic and braai spots for both individuals and groups, team building activities, weddings and fine dining facilities.

Manna Resorts prides itself on its personal service as this ensures that all our guests and visitors enjoy an extraordinary and true safari experience.

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Manna Safari Lodges

Joined us over 9 years and 1 month ago

Total Views: 29,683
Listed: Dec 2015
Nov 2023


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