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Updated 11 Jun 18
Listed 10 Jun 18


VAKAYAKO is a design-oriented architecture firm, committed to excellence in custom architecture and design.

24 Van Praagh Road
Cnr. Prince Edward Road
Milton Park

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<p><br></p><p>Introduction</p><p>VakaYako is an online store which is to be registered specifically to deal with Architecture and Design which includes, but not restricted to, residential and commercial building plans, their Bill of Quantities and online building consultancy services. VakaYako is a division within the New Age Infrastructural Developers (Pvt) LTD (N.A.I.D) group, (which is a Civil Engineering, Project and Programme Management, and Cost Consulting practise. Due to the changing built environment and the growing needs of our Clients; it became necessary to broaden the services that could be provided by NAID, so as to offer multi-disciplinary management consulting services, architecture and civil engineering under one banner. N.A.I.D has added to its portfolio a wide variety of independent architects, home developers and designers offering their design expertise to create the online platform VakaYako.<br>Vision<br>Our vision is <br>To grow a multi-faceted team in order to offer a broad spectrum of specialist Architecture and Design, <br>To become our Clients' preferred Professional Service Provider choice through excellence and efficiency in all aspects of building design. <br>To become the leading brand and platform where the developer meets the designer.<br>To become a one-stop online platform that offers solutions in a wide variety of Home, Architectural and Design perspective.<br>Mission Statement<br>Our Mission is to offer excellent service in each of our professional disciplines, in accordance with statutory practices, codes of conduct and integrity, through developing a team and providing a leading online platform from which we can serve our valued Clients and bring development to the built environment.<br><br></p>


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  • Residential house plans
  • Commercial building plans
  • Industrial building plans
  • Residential and Commercial interior design
  • Bill of quantities for the above mentioned plans and project
  • estimation services Plan approval services Building and construction consultancy services Renovations and building make-over services Real estate services(buying
  • selling and leasing)

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  • Company listing viewed 2,981 times in detail
  • Listing last updated: 11 June 2018, 14:26 PM
  • Listing created: 10 June 2018, 12:20 PM

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